Your unique approach to life will interest others. 你独特的生活态度将会引起其他人的兴趣。
The morals are reflect and adjust people's in real life interest relations value idea and the behavior standards sum total, is standard system which constitutes by various rules. 道德是反映和调整人们在现实生活中的利益关系的价值观念和行为规范的总和,是由各种各样的规则所构成的规范体系。
"Animator: one that provides or imparts life, interest, spirit, or vitality." 赋予生气者:赋予生气的因素给予或赋予生气、兴趣、精神或活力的人
The assumption frequently made is that work is not a central life interest for women. 有个被频繁举出的假设是工作不是女性生活的中心。
As one of the three largest natural rights, the right of life contains not only the life safeguard and justice protection but also the life interest control. 生命权是近代社会确立的人的三大自然权利之一。生命权不仅包括生命安全维护权和司法保护救济权,还应包括生命利益支配权。
Life insurance interest is of great significance in the insurance and legal practice. 保险利益是保险合同的重要组成部分,是内在于保险合同的灵魂。
The Project Approach is a teaching mode in which children select activity themes, work out the corresponding network and undertake the exploration on the basis of their own experience of life and interest and under the guidance of their teacher. 方案教学是儿童在教师指导下根据自己的生活经验和兴趣自主确定活动主题、编制主题网络、开展主题探索活动的一种教学模式。
With the comparative jurisprudence, the text introduces the legislative style of the life insurance interest of various countries. 运用比较法学的方法,介绍了各国人身保险利益的立法体例。
The fist part is about the basic theories of the life insurable interest. 第一部分:人身保险利益的基本理论。
It was mainly discussed from three aspects: Chinese characters embody the aesthetic sentiment and life interest of the Han nationality. 这主要从三个方面进行了探讨:汉字体现汉民族的审美情趣和生命意趣;
Property insurance interest takes possible damage as its quantitative standard, and life insurance interest is based on contracting parties agreement. 财产保险利益以可能损害为量化标准,人身保险利益以合同当事人的约定为依据。
In the West-Jin dynasty along with Confucianism being on the decline and metaphysics starting, its family tradition has changed the confucian to the metaphysics, no positive enterprising in politics, the life interest changed to the literature and the calligraphy. 西晋时期随着儒学的衰微和玄学的兴起,其家风具有由儒入玄的趋势,在政治上不再积极进取,人生的志趣转向了文学和书法。
On Life Interest of Confucianism 论儒家的生活趣味
Research on the Legal System of Life Insurable Interest 人身保险利益法律制度研究
The research on the life interest of Confucianism has instructive meaning in understanding and analyzing economic and cultural problems of the present time and constructing harmonious society. 研究儒家学说的生活趣味,对于认识和分析当下面临的经济与文化问题,建设社会主义和谐社会具有一定的指导意义。
This paper also discussed the application of ALM in the life insurance interest rate risk management and drew a conclusion that the control of duration gap is the practical choice of Chinese life insurance industry. 接着本文讨论了资产负债管理技术在寿险业利率风险管理中的应用,考虑到中国寿险业的现状,提出中国寿险业防范利率风险应该从缩小有效久期缺口着手的结论。
Chapter three is on life insurance interest. 第三章介绍人身保险利益。
In the flames of war of Chongqing, Chongqing Teahouse is as a public recreation space that let the writers in suffering to regain a life interest, get the spirit of consolation. 作为公共娱乐空间的重庆茶馆,让作家们在苦难中重拾了一份生活的雅趣,获得了精神的慰藉。
The Aesthetic connotations on quality of life mainly include life taste, life style, and life interest. 生活品质的审美内涵主要包括生活品味、生活风格、生活情趣三种内涵。
Secondly, with respect of the judgment on the life insurable interest, it starts from the two legal families to discuss the related quantitative compartmentalization. 其次,关于人身保险利益如何判断的问题,从两大法系出发,讨论其相关定量划分。
Life insurance is in itself an interest movement, and originates from the insurance of interests, a process of the pursuit of life insurance interest by relevant parties, resulting in the indemnification, transfer and acquisition of a sort of interest. 寿险活动本质是一种利益活动,它首先起源于利益保险,是寿险利益相关者追求利益的过程,其结果是一种利益的补偿、转移与获得。
In terms of the students gender, counseling effects on boys are better than girls in aggression and self-forgiveness; but in depression, future hope life interest and relation quality, counseling effects on girls are better than boys. 在攻击、自我原谅方面男生效果好于女生;在抑郁、未来希望、生活兴趣和关系品质方面,女生效果好于男生。
Adornment is a human instinct, is human, disclosing stretches of primitive art wisdom and life interest, almost all the design domain without "adornment". 装饰是人类的本能,是悠远的,透露着人类原始的艺术智慧和生活情趣,几乎所有的设计领域都离不开装饰。
Civil right and legal interest all come from the life interest, their essence is the same. 由此可见,权利和法益的本质是一致的,二者都源于生活利益。
The study of life insurance interest has practical implications in that life insurance is not only an important growth factor for the economy, guarantee for the system and condition for sustained economic development, it is also central to the construction of a harmonious society. 寿险利益研究的现实意义主要体现在它不但是经济增长的重要增长因素、重要制度保障和经济可持续增长的重要条件,还是构建和谐社会的重要环节。
Life insurance interest theories are studies on the essence of life insurance, the basic meaning being about interests, and basic relationship about interest relationship. Life insurance interest theories are both the core of life insurance theories and the expansion on interest theories. 寿险利益理论是对寿险本质内容的研究,其基本内涵是利益问题,基本关系是利益关系;寿险利益理论既是寿险理论的核心内容也是对利益理论的拓展。
As a basic aspect of the social life, interest is the only and effective power in social development and also the source of social conflicts. It explains all the complex social activities. 利益是社会生活的基础,是社会生活中唯一的、普遍起作用的社会发展动力和社会矛盾根源,一切错综复杂的社会现象都可以从利益那里得到解释。
The study of life insurance interest has theoretical and practical significance. 寿险利益研究具有极其丰富的理论价值和现实意义。
As the main factor of social life, interest is the fundamental cause of all social members 'political behaviors. 利益作为社会生活的主旋律,是社会成员一切政治行为的根本动因。
It shall be divided into four chapters, including: The first chapter introduces the outline of the life insurable interest. 共分四章,主要内容包括:第一章,人身保险利益的概述。